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  • Writer's pictureYi-Hsien Tan

Learning English on your own? Join our community!

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

There are many useful and FREE platforms out there for you to learn English, like BBC Learning English and Duolingo, but just like many things in life, where is the fun in doing things by yourself, especially when it comes to learning?

These are some great tools to get you started, but eventually you would want to practice with real people, that's the best way to improve after all! How else would you want to test out all the hard work you've put in, right?

Grow With Melody hosts weekly free chats, a speaking event that expose our students to topics outside of their paid lessons, and extra opportunities to speak in English! We have many fun and interesting topics to share every week, don't hesitate to join us and be immersed in an English speaking environment!

Don't worry if you're not our student, this is a FREE event! As long as you follow some of our rules and regulation to ensure a safe speaking environment for everyone, you are always welcome!

On top of that, follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram for more English tips and tricks! If you have any question about learning English or English in general, feel free to join our Facebook group and ask away!

Interested in joining? Contact us through the Contact Form or social media handles at the bottom of this page!

Here's an example of our free chat event, be sure to follow us to get updates for future events!

"Hello everyone! I'm Wanting. I just moved to Seattle, Washington in the United States from Taiwan almost two months ago. From the first day I went abroad, I experienced a totally different life through aspects such as price inflation, various transportation systems, safety in downtown, and hospital appointments. I also went through an English learning journey, finding that while my language skills are not enough, I could still manage to face challenges. Through daily small talks, the visa application process, and phone calls, I get to practice English every single day. I'd like to share some of these experiences with you."

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