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  • Writer's pictureYi-Hsien Tan

[Free Chat] When Three Cultures Meet: My life through the years - October 15th, 2022

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Meet our speaker of the week, teacher Tamara!

"Hi everybody! My name is Tamara. I was born in Zagreb, Croatia, which is located in Europe and moved to the USA 11 years ago. There I met my husband who is a Malaysian Chinese. My life is a constant combination of three cultures and navigating through them. I have vast experience in immigration and life on two continents. I have been working in a high school as an art teacher and designed my own courses that I teach. I was surprised the first time I met my husband how similar Chinese and Croatian cultures are vs. the USA culture. I would love to share all of my life experiences and stories with you to better help you navigate and understand the vast differences, challenges and beauty in living and managing different cultures at the same time."

Check out Teacher Tamara's self introduction video here!

If you're interested in joining this week's free chat, don't hesitate to contact us!

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