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  • Writer's pictureYi-Hsien Tan

[English Q&A] For vs. Of

Updated: Nov 26, 2022

"For" and "of" are two prepositions that are confusing for most beginner English learners. Come take a look and understand their differences!

  • FOR

(prep.) duration of time as in hours, days, and years.

Eg. I walked for about two or three hours.

It can also be used as a preset distance and purpose.

Eg. Johnny went to the doctor for his checkup.

  • OF

(prep.) used to show possession, belonging, or origin.

Eg. a friend of mine, the President of the United States, employees of the company

(AMOUNT) used after words or phrases expressing an amount, a number, or a particular unit.

Eg. a kilo of rice, both of us, a speck of dust

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