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Express Yourself Better is a challenge focuses on reading and writing, and also encourages you to think in English. Through this course, you will develop:

  • Comprehension is very important when it comes to language learning – knowing what each word means does not mean you understand the moral of the story, or the intention of the writer. This challenge helps you dive deep into your own perspective, or the perspective of the writer and think from their point of view by reading short stories with deeper meanings behind them.


  • Expression is another essential skill when it comes to mastering a language. Have you ever been in a situation where you want to express how you feel in English but can’t think of the right word? A person with strong expression skills can convey their thoughts in an effective and easily understandable way. This helps in your daily communication with people around you, especially when it comes to the working environment. Knowing what to say and how to say it also makes you look more confident! This challenge helps you express your thoughts and realizations by writing down your findings and points of view.


How Does It Work?

If you're someone who has time and self-discipline, and want to push yourself to the limit:

  1. Together, we come up with a topic you want to write about, and provide you guidance on how you want to express yourself.

  2. We will provide you suggestions and feedback to improve on your writing.

  3. You will then edit your own writing by referring to our feedback, and IMPROVE!


If you're someone who wants to build a habit of writing but doesn't have much free time:

  1. We will provide you your topics of interest.

  2. You will read/watch the materials, and write down your thoughts, point of views, and learnings.

  3. We will provide you suggestions and feedback to improve on your writing.

  4. You will then edit your own writing by referring to our feedback, and IMPROVE!


Deliberate Practice is the key to achieving mastery in any skill. It's not just about putting in the hours, but it's about practicing with intention and purpose. Deliberate practice involves setting specific goals, breaking down complex skills into manageable pieces, getting feedback, and visualizing success. By practicing deliberately, you can identify your weaknesses and work towards improvement in a structured and focused way. This type of practice can help you avoid common pitfalls, such as getting stuck in a comfort zone or not pushing yourself to your full potential. Whether you want to learn English, being an athlete, musician, artist, or just trying to learn a new skill, deliberate practice can help you achieve your goals and reach a level of mastery that you never thought possible.

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